Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bad hair cut!!?

I had my hair cut last week at a salon i havent been to for a long time. When i left i really liked the style and thought she had done a good job, but now a few days later and after i have wahed it and tried to restyle it myself i realise she has messed up my hair!! It was long and i wanted it shorter - similar to Posh's (not that id ever style myself on her!) but the woman went mad and took too much off and its so uneven!

What should i do?? Just wait for it to grow out? Go and get it re-done elsewhere? or go back and complain? Problem is i know the girl that did it and i'd be embarressed to complain! ahhhh help!!!

Bad hair cut!!?

Go back and consult with the person who cut your hair. If you were specific or had picture of the cut you wanted, take it back with you. Most bad haircuts are a result of a lack of understanding between what the customer wants and what the stylist thinks they want. Perhaps you could get some tips on how to style your cut if you don't want any more hair cut off.

P.S. Ignore the answer that says putting oil on your hair will make it grow. It won't. Nothing makes hair grow faster. Normal hair growth in a healthy person is one-quarter to one-half inch per month and all the oils, serums, pills in the world won't make it grow faster. Maybe healthier, but not faster.

Bad hair cut!!?

go back and complain

they should fix it for free

Bad hair cut!!?

Complain when she's not there, and they might give you a free haircut.

Bad hair cut!!?

re cut.............

Bad hair cut!!?

Go somewhere else and make it even.Then put oil on your hair for a week until your hair grows longer.Oil makes hair grow quicker.I put oil on my hair a lot my hair is a little bit above my knees.I'm telling the truth.

Bad hair cut!!?

Whether you know the girl or not, you asked her for a specific cut and she didn't deliver. That's her fault. You payed for a certain style and you ended up with something you're unhappy with. A good salon will fix it free of charge. The posh style is a funny one. I know a lot of people who have gone for that look and for some reason, a lot of hair-stylists don't seem to get it right. It's a gorgeous cut though and well worth it when it's done well.

But if you liked the cut when you left the salon, it could be that you're just not styling it right. I would go back and ask her to restyle and show you how it's done so you can do the same at home.

Bad hair cut!!?

go to another hairdresser and see if they can sort it out. if not, grow it out or if its long enough keep it tied up.


Bad hair cut!!?

Try to go back and ask politely if you can ask them to cut evenly. If they say no, go to other salon and ask them to cut it evenly. I heard that an uneven hairstyle looks nice, but too much can spoil the hair. Go to OTHER salons. Don't go back to the same salon ever again(unless you feel like its time to go back)!

Bad hair cut!!?

go back to the salon and complain, the haircut wasn't what you wanted and if she just rejects i'd go further

Bad hair cut!!?

go back to the salon and explain what she did wrong

if she cant fix it for you ask her to show you how to style it like she did when you first had it cut x

hope that makes sense

p.s i had a terrible hair cut a little while ago and was devastated but i promise you it will grow back and wont take as long as you probably think !! X

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